Call for Vocalists
The album recording is well under way! We already have performances from several awesome leads: Tony Parisi (Thomas), Tia Simone (Maggie), Jody Raffoul (Marshall Law), K.F. Jacques (Psi) and Iva (Hill Singer). Now we’re looking for great vocal talent to round out the cast!
Here are the roles we are looking for, with reference tracks from the full set of demos:
BROTHER JOHN. Brother John is named for John of Patmos, the author of Revelation. He leads the evangelical congregation, but at the end of Act 1 we see him seduced by THE ONE, and by Act II he has become THE ONE’s minion. He is a southern firebrand and a zealot, burning with passion for his mission. He is mature, in his mid-40’s. We’re looking for a baritone who can bring the fire and brimstone - and can hit that high C at the end! Check out Revelations. Brother John sings verses 1 and 4. He also kicks off Thomas’ interrogation to open The Mark of the Beast.
PETER. Peter is young, tall and stringy; driven and urgent. He develops from a self-righteous Occupy/Antifa ringleader type in Act I into a religious zealot heading up the Christian resistance, and ultimately God’s Army, in Act II-- an unsurprising evolution. Peter is featured in Tear it Down, Tribulation and The Battle of Armageddon. Looking for a rock tenor who can wail on some AC/DC notes at the top of his range and also bring some Rage Against the Machine vengeful rap in the hip hop sections.
THE ONE. He’s the man: the Antichrist. He is beatific, charismatic and charitable in Act I and high strung, egotistical and monstrous in Act II, as he drops his benevolent facade and reveals the demon within. He’s slick and well groomed, with close-cropped black hair. In Act I, he’s Don Draper with a slighter build; in Act II he’s a pomp Kylo Ren. THE ONE has a smooth baritone. Check out songs THE ONE (Poor Little Planet section, starts at 6:24) and The Mark of the Beast (verse 2 through the end).
If you’re interested in how the album is going in general, we can also send you some rough mixes in progress. Just hit us up!