A Demo a Day: Day 16.
Tribulation begins with Peter’s band of anarchists-- now a group of devout Christians living on the margins and rebelling against the tyranny of THE ONE-- singin’ the blues. The tune is equal parts Howlin’ Wolf, Grateful Dead and The Beatles’ Revolution, and should be played tongue in cheek. Enter Peter, who scolds the group for whining, in a reprise of the hip hop funk part of Tear it Down. Thomas is discovered lurking in the bushes and berates the rebels, especially Peter, for what appears to be a lot of talk and not much action. In full weekend warrior mode, Thomas gets everyone worked into a frenzy, reprising the hard rock ending of Tear it Down. Finally, the group is captured (except Peter) by Marshall Law and a handful of riot cops, to a verse of Order, Order, Order! (Reprises come hard and fast as operas draw to a close…)
I have to admit, I’m really pleased with myself for thinking to make Tribulation a blues song. In recording the demo I really tried to capture the feel of 50’s blues band in the studio, with foot stomps, vintage blues guitar, a growling harp and a walking bass line.